About SoleRank

Since its founding in June 2018, SoleRank has been the only shoe review website to put its money where its mouth is.

SoleRank is a ranking system developed by our team of experts. Our Ranking System automatically scores from 0 to 10 based upon the data collected.

SoleRank which summarize opinions from experts and users. To date, more than 1,000 experts and 1 million users have contributed. This score has no relationship or impact from any manufacturer or sales agent websites.

Share your opinion at SoleRank and help other people cut through the manipulative noise that dominates purchase decisions today.

You can also support us by adding user ratings of shoes you own yourself. SoleRank does not publish sponsored content nor receive free samples.

SoleRank buys the shoes for the reviews at full price. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

We use only reviews from users and experts who own the products they review. The experts go through a rigorous test to become a contributor.

We show you where you can buy the shoes that you’re actually interested in. If you click to the retailer and you buy the shoe, we get a commission of the sale. This is how we pay ourselves. It does not make the shoe pricier for you.

Follow our Facebook , Twitter, and Pinterest pages for regular updates.

Please write to solerank@gmail.com for site feedback or permission to use our content with attribution. While we’ll do our best to respond, SoleRank may not be able to answer all personal footwear-related questions due to the extremely high volume of emails received.